ajf.350d: Cormorant (?) at Trimpley
ajf.350d: Cormorant (?) at Trimpley
ajf.350d: River Severn motion
ajf.350d: Victoria Bridge River Severn
ajf.350d: River in motion
ajf.350d: Ripples
ajf.350d: River Reflections
ajf.350d: Indian Balsam
ajf.350d: Indian Balsam
ajf.350d: Indian Balsam
ajf.350d: Indian Balsam
ajf.350d: P7200054
ajf.350d: P7200056
ajf.350d: Indian Balsam
ajf.350d: Indian Balsam
ajf.350d: P7200065
ajf.350d: P7200066
ajf.350d: P7200067
ajf.350d: P7200069
ajf.350d: Leaves in the Sun
ajf.350d: Spider in the sun
ajf.350d: Wasp on Creeping Thistle
ajf.350d: Common Ragwort
ajf.350d: Cinnabar Moth Caterpillar
ajf.350d: Common Ragwort
ajf.350d: Red Soldier Beetle on Thistle
ajf.350d: Red Soldier Beetle on Thistle
ajf.350d: Red Soldier Beetle
ajf.350d: Fat Legged Flower Beetle
ajf.350d: Fat Legged Flower Beetle