ajburcar: Moose
ajburcar: Love the Tongue...
ajburcar: IMG_6973
ajburcar: Plewwww................(Sticking Tongue out Noise)
ajburcar: Chocolate Moose-little posturing
ajburcar: Moose
ajburcar: I am getting the look...
ajburcar: Okay are you almost done...
ajburcar: Seriously
ajburcar: What was that?
ajburcar: Statue Pose
ajburcar: Hey You...
ajburcar: Umm Tasty
ajburcar: Cute-Chocolate Moose
ajburcar: Chocolate Moose-eyes closed goofy
ajburcar: Root Beer-Baptism River
ajburcar: Upper Falls-Baptism River
ajburcar: Baptism River
ajburcar: Tettegouche Butterflies
ajburcar: Monarch Butterflies
ajburcar: Lupines
ajburcar: Big Snapper
ajburcar: Dinosaur or Turtle....
ajburcar: Headin for the water-snapper
ajburcar: Foxy