Andy Kennelly: sleepless
Andy Kennelly: escalator
Andy Kennelly: the light rail
Andy Kennelly: mist factory
Andy Kennelly: cold activated window
Andy Kennelly: changing lanes
Andy Kennelly: on another level
Andy Kennelly: high tide
Andy Kennelly: to hell and back
Andy Kennelly: the blue hour
Andy Kennelly: underground station
Andy Kennelly: Alki Point
Andy Kennelly: lift my spirits
Andy Kennelly: fallen city
Andy Kennelly: needle and thread
Andy Kennelly: the gum wall
Andy Kennelly: left behind
Andy Kennelly: Seattle symbols
Andy Kennelly: urban energy
Andy Kennelly: library dollhouse
Andy Kennelly: the gum wall
Andy Kennelly: secret spot
Andy Kennelly: in the crossfire
Andy Kennelly: closing time
Andy Kennelly: the needle
Andy Kennelly: pioneer square
Andy Kennelly: down the alley
Andy Kennelly: boys entrance
Andy Kennelly: human in geometry