sovvvy: Swedish Cultural Center
sovvvy: Bench
sovvvy: Greenlake, Seattle
sovvvy: Selena
sovvvy: Balloons
sovvvy: Fields
sovvvy: Rings
sovvvy: Greenlake, Seattle
sovvvy: Kyle and Astrid
sovvvy: Swedish Cultural Center
sovvvy: Greenlake, Seattle
sovvvy: Greenlake, Seattle
sovvvy: Greenlake, Seattle
sovvvy: IMG_0744edit
sovvvy: This is my favorite of them all.
sovvvy: Greenlake, Seattle
sovvvy: Gasworks Park
sovvvy: Gasworks Park, Seattle
sovvvy: Selena
sovvvy: Weird one.
sovvvy: Jump for it!
sovvvy: Balloon
sovvvy: Walking
sovvvy: Selena
sovvvy: IMG_0743edited
sovvvy: Blossoms
sovvvy: Laugh
sovvvy: Anna