rhombitruncated: Lorna and Andrew contributing to an experiment
rhombitruncated: Lovely grounds
rhombitruncated: Aged building
rhombitruncated: Maned wolf
rhombitruncated: Maned wolf
rhombitruncated: Maned wolf
rhombitruncated: Lovely view
rhombitruncated: Clydesdale
rhombitruncated: View from the racetrack
rhombitruncated: View from the racetrack
rhombitruncated: View from the racetrack
rhombitruncated: Andrew and Lorna
rhombitruncated: Horse graveyard
rhombitruncated: Horse graveyard
rhombitruncated: Andrew, Me and Lorna
rhombitruncated: Lovely view
rhombitruncated: Old building
rhombitruncated: Baby red panda
rhombitruncated: Line for the red panda
rhombitruncated: Animal art
rhombitruncated: Wild flowers
rhombitruncated: Wild flowers