rhombitruncated: Prepping for the run
rhombitruncated: Tracey's skull and cross-bones
rhombitruncated: Tracey and her Mom
rhombitruncated: Facepaint selfie
rhombitruncated: Pre-run crowd
rhombitruncated: Tracey's Mom dancing
rhombitruncated: Tracey's Mom dancing
rhombitruncated: Angel Tracey
rhombitruncated: Glowing crowd
rhombitruncated: Glowing crowd
rhombitruncated: The starting line
rhombitruncated: Selfie by the glowing unicorns
rhombitruncated: Glowing Unicorn
rhombitruncated: Approaching the glowing frog
rhombitruncated: Ender the frog
rhombitruncated: Glowing arches
rhombitruncated: Me with the arches