rhombitruncated: Did someone say dinner?
rhombitruncated: Prairie dogs
rhombitruncated: West African Crowned Crane
rhombitruncated: Chimpanzee in a pipe
rhombitruncated: Chimpanzee in a pipe
rhombitruncated: Whatcha got over there?
rhombitruncated: Mmmm, clover!
rhombitruncated: Cesar the giraffe
rhombitruncated: Cesar enjoying some weeds
rhombitruncated: A little training for Angel
rhombitruncated: Cassie wants to know what's going on
rhombitruncated: Did someone say treats?
rhombitruncated: Barb waiting to feed the giraffe
rhombitruncated: Waiting to feed Cesar
rhombitruncated: Cesar is a jerk
rhombitruncated: African penguins
rhombitruncated: African penguins
rhombitruncated: Elephant
rhombitruncated: Sand bath!
rhombitruncated: Playing with a tire