rhombitruncated: Swimming up to the glass
rhombitruncated: Playing or fighting?
rhombitruncated: She's got a crab!
rhombitruncated: Share the crab!
rhombitruncated: Silly otters
rhombitruncated: Otters with the crab
rhombitruncated: Playing keep-away with the crab
rhombitruncated: Otters running around the enclosure
rhombitruncated: Waht's on the other side?
rhombitruncated: Otters running around
rhombitruncated: Otters running around
rhombitruncated: Otters playing
rhombitruncated: More running around
rhombitruncated: A pack of otters
rhombitruncated: Another crab hiding in the enclosure
rhombitruncated: Running around with the crab
rhombitruncated: Still got the crab
rhombitruncated: My crab!