rhombitruncated: Henry Joe is ready for our road trip!
rhombitruncated: Objects in the mirror might be cuter...
rhombitruncated: Dinosaur Land
rhombitruncated: Dinosaur Land!
rhombitruncated: Oh yeah, this HAS to be a classy joint!
rhombitruncated: Swallowed by the giant shark
rhombitruncated: He's not so bad
rhombitruncated: IMG_5018
rhombitruncated: Andrew by the shark's tail
rhombitruncated: Entering a very dangerous forest.
rhombitruncated: Henry Joe on the Mastadon
rhombitruncated: Henry Joe with the Stegosaurus
rhombitruncated: Giant Dodo
rhombitruncated: Going in for a landing
rhombitruncated: Friendly apatosaurus
rhombitruncated: Don't inturrupt T-Rex's dinner
rhombitruncated: Protecting baby triceratops
rhombitruncated: Another little guy
rhombitruncated: Me, Andrew and Henry Joe with the Ankylosaurus
rhombitruncated: Um...some kind of swimming ancient creature
rhombitruncated: This looks like a sci-fi dino-human mix
rhombitruncated: Triceratops
rhombitruncated: Shhhh...he can't see us here
rhombitruncated: Dinosaur
rhombitruncated: Struthmiomimus and her eggs
rhombitruncated: Poor Henry Joe!
rhombitruncated: Andrew and a new dinosuar friend