rhombitruncated: Columbia in Legos
rhombitruncated: Lego Spacestation
rhombitruncated: Space toilet in Legos
rhombitruncated: Shuttle ride in Lego
rhombitruncated: NASA meatball in Lego
rhombitruncated: Tang in zero g
rhombitruncated: Rescuing a kitty in a tree
rhombitruncated: Making crop circles
rhombitruncated: Brick Park
rhombitruncated: Pizza day at the Death Star
rhombitruncated: Pizza day at the Death Star
rhombitruncated: The Heart of Gold
rhombitruncated: Exterminate!
rhombitruncated: Endor Landing platform
rhombitruncated: Endor Landing platform
rhombitruncated: Egyptian scene
rhombitruncated: Back of the Egyptian scene
rhombitruncated: Giant robot
rhombitruncated: Ladies in space
rhombitruncated: I Love Lucy chocolate factory job
rhombitruncated: Trouble in the choclate facotry!
rhombitruncated: Stay Puft Marshmallow Man
rhombitruncated: Even stormtroopers need a donut every now and then
rhombitruncated: Carousel
rhombitruncated: The Doctor and Emily
rhombitruncated: Japanese shrine
rhombitruncated: Hazard clean-up
rhombitruncated: Mosaics...keep an eye on the Darth Vader
rhombitruncated: Starry Night in Lego