rhombitruncated: The family seeing Dad off to his surgery
rhombitruncated: Dad ready to be wheeled off to surgery
rhombitruncated: Dad with the girls before his surgery
rhombitruncated: Dave and Jen in the waiting room
rhombitruncated: Dick and Sharon in the waiting room
rhombitruncated: Kira and Anya by the fountain
rhombitruncated: Me with the girls in the waiting room
rhombitruncated: "The boys" in the waiting room
rhombitruncated: Kira in the waiting room
rhombitruncated: Sharon and Anya coloring in the waiting room
rhombitruncated: Grumpy girls
rhombitruncated: Happy girls
rhombitruncated: Mom in the waiting room
rhombitruncated: Showing off our gift-store purchases
rhombitruncated: Anya with the shiny-foil lips
rhombitruncated: Sofia with the shiny-foil lips
rhombitruncated: Dick, Sharon, Kevin and Katie in the ICU waiting room
rhombitruncated: Mark and Mom in the ICU waiting room
rhombitruncated: Kira and Anya by the fountain
rhombitruncated: Kira, me, and Anya in the ICU waiting room
rhombitruncated: Anya with Gary in the ICU waiting room
rhombitruncated: Busy ICU waiting room
rhombitruncated: Busy ICU waiting room
rhombitruncated: Andrew is finally here!
rhombitruncated: Me with Liam and Anya in the ICU waiting room
rhombitruncated: Liam and Anya in the ICU waiting room
rhombitruncated: Liam and Anya in the ICU waiting room
rhombitruncated: Liam and Anya in the ICU waiting room
rhombitruncated: Frank and Dick in the ICU waiting room
rhombitruncated: Ready to go to Roller Girls!