rhombitruncated: The Henrys decided to try fishing in the tub
rhombitruncated: Henry John is intent on his fishing rod!
rhombitruncated: The Henrys show off their fish
rhombitruncated: The Henrys show off their catch
rhombitruncated: Henry John tries to drive Dad's truck
rhombitruncated: The Henrys behind the wheel of Dad's truck
rhombitruncated: The Henrys behind the wheel of Dad's truck
rhombitruncated: The Henrys look up directions
rhombitruncated: The Henrys getting into Dad's tools
rhombitruncated: Henry Joe getting into Dad's tools
rhombitruncated: Henry John getting into Dad's tools
rhombitruncated: Henry Joe tries on Dad's tool belt
rhombitruncated: The Henrys look in the tool chest of Dad's truck
rhombitruncated: Climbing on the ladder rack!
rhombitruncated: Henry Joe climbing on the ladder rack!
rhombitruncated: Henry John climbing on the ladder rack!
rhombitruncated: Henry John and Henry Joe on the old mail box
rhombitruncated: The Henrys on the Model A
rhombitruncated: The Henrys with Dad's old teddy bear
rhombitruncated: Henry John gives Dad's old teddy a hug
rhombitruncated: Henry Joe sits with Dad's old teddy
rhombitruncated: The Henrys on Dad's favorite recliner
rhombitruncated: The Henrys fight over the remote
rhombitruncated: The Henrys at Dad's desk
rhombitruncated: The Henrys look at Dad's old album
rhombitruncated: The Henrys check out old pictures of Kira
rhombitruncated: The Henrys play solitaire together