rhombitruncated: The groom and grandmother-in-law shouting at each other?
rhombitruncated: Cross-stitch for my niece, Sofia
rhombitruncated: Sofia, Me, Mom, Kira
rhombitruncated: Sofia Crawling
rhombitruncated: Dave, Sofia and Kira
rhombitruncated: Sofia pulling herself up
rhombitruncated: Mom, Sofia and Jen
rhombitruncated: Mom, Kira, Sofia and Jen
rhombitruncated: Dave, Kira, Sofia and Me
rhombitruncated: Kira, Dave and Sofia
rhombitruncated: Sofia with her shoe
rhombitruncated: Peek-a-boo!
rhombitruncated: Jen and Sofia
rhombitruncated: Dave and Sofia
rhombitruncated: Mom and Sofia
rhombitruncated: Kira and Sofia
rhombitruncated: Jen and Sofia
rhombitruncated: Sofia opening her birthday presents
rhombitruncated: Sofia opening her birthday presents_1
rhombitruncated: Sofia opening her birthday presents_2
rhombitruncated: Kira showing Sofia how to make her new kitty "meow"
rhombitruncated: Sofia playing with grandma's toys