rhombitruncated: The roads for our ride
rhombitruncated: The roads for our ride
rhombitruncated: Beautiful sky
rhombitruncated: Horses and a home burial plot on our ride
rhombitruncated: Burwell-Morgan Mill
rhombitruncated: Charlie Casabona's Trio at the Burwell-Morgan Mill rest stop
rhombitruncated: Happy Anniversary to us!
rhombitruncated: Burwell-Morgan Mill
rhombitruncated: Burwell-Morgan Mill rest stop
rhombitruncated: Waterfall on the 4-mile extension
rhombitruncated: Waterfall on the 4-mile extension
rhombitruncated: Smiling Andrew
rhombitruncated: Here's my bike
rhombitruncated: Rocky terrain
rhombitruncated: Pretty back roads
rhombitruncated: We followed the yellow and then the white arrows for our ride
rhombitruncated: Pretty waterfall after a scary down hill
rhombitruncated: My handlebars
rhombitruncated: Cool stone fence
rhombitruncated: Train bridge
rhombitruncated: Train bridge...with a train!
rhombitruncated: These goats watched us snack
rhombitruncated: More scenery
rhombitruncated: There's a flat tire there
rhombitruncated: Yup, that's a small piece of glass in there
rhombitruncated: And it's flat, flat
rhombitruncated: Oops! Didn't notice the spider on Andrew's helmet
rhombitruncated: My cutie