rhombitruncated: Who knew this was in Vienna?
rhombitruncated: Maggie getting lost in the Butterfly Meadow
rhombitruncated: View from the top of the Spiral Mound
rhombitruncated: View from the top of the Spiral Mound
rhombitruncated: View from the top of the Spiral Mound
rhombitruncated: That's Maggie in there
rhombitruncated: Lake Caroline
rhombitruncated: A shadowy figure comes for the fish food
rhombitruncated: A general commotion for the fish food
rhombitruncated: A general commotion for the fish food
rhombitruncated: A general commotion for the fish food
rhombitruncated: A general commotion for the fish food
rhombitruncated: Wetlands
rhombitruncated: Andrew and Maggie examining pods on a tree
rhombitruncated: Odd pod-things were all over this tree (and others)
rhombitruncated: Butterfly
rhombitruncated: Butterfly
rhombitruncated: Andrew in the gazebo
rhombitruncated: Maggie before Sting
rhombitruncated: Sting on Stage
rhombitruncated: Sting on the jumbo screen
rhombitruncated: Sting on the jumbo screen
rhombitruncated: Maggie at intermission
rhombitruncated: Sting on the jumbo screen
rhombitruncated: Sting on the jumbo screen
rhombitruncated: Sting on the jumbo screen
rhombitruncated: Sting on the jumbo screen
rhombitruncated: Sting on the jumbo screen
rhombitruncated: Sting on the jumbo screen
rhombitruncated: Diarama of Lucy