rhombitruncated: Fifi in front of Radio City Music Hall
rhombitruncated: Me and Fifi on top of the Rockafeller building
rhombitruncated: Central Park from the Top of the Rock
rhombitruncated: NYC from Top of the Rock
rhombitruncated: NYC from Top of the Rock
rhombitruncated: NYC from Top of the Rock
rhombitruncated: NYC from Top of the Rock
rhombitruncated: Fifi looking toward the Statue of Liberty from Top of the Rock
rhombitruncated: Fifi looking over NYC from Top of the Rock
rhombitruncated: NYC from Top of the Rock
rhombitruncated: Fifi looking through the binoculars on Top of the Rock
rhombitruncated: Fifi on Top of the Rock
rhombitruncated: Fifi at the 5th Ave. Build-a-Bear
rhombitruncated: Fifi at the 5th Ave. Build-a-Bear
rhombitruncated: Fifi in Times Square
rhombitruncated: Fifi in Times Square
rhombitruncated: Times Square
rhombitruncated: Skating in Central Park
rhombitruncated: Skating in Central Park
rhombitruncated: Fifi in Central Park
rhombitruncated: Fifi in Central Park
rhombitruncated: Central Park
rhombitruncated: Central Park
rhombitruncated: Central Park
rhombitruncated: Central Park
rhombitruncated: Central Park
rhombitruncated: Central Park
rhombitruncated: Central Park
rhombitruncated: Central Park
rhombitruncated: Central Park