rhombitruncated: Jo checks out the inside of the pumpkin
rhombitruncated: Felicia and Jo look inside the pumpkin...and decide to let me gut it
rhombitruncated: Jo and Felicia approve of the cleaning job I did
rhombitruncated: Felicia starts tracing the pattern for the pumpkin
rhombitruncated: Jo cuts the pumpkin
rhombitruncated: Jo and Felicia show off their finished pumpkin
rhombitruncated: Petunia and Trevor get into the candy
rhombitruncated: Petunia forgot to take the wrapper off!
rhombitruncated: The girls in their Halloween costumes
rhombitruncated: The boys in their costumes
rhombitruncated: Fifi wants to help give out the candy
rhombitruncated: Jo and Felicia show off thier masterpiece
rhombitruncated: Stanley checks out the other pumpkin
rhombitruncated: Headless Harry
rhombitruncated: Old witch
rhombitruncated: Our pumpkins
rhombitruncated: Me and Fifi waiting for trick-or-treaters
rhombitruncated: Me and Fifi waiting for trick-or-treaters