rhombitruncated: Happy Anniversary to Us!
rhombitruncated: Me and Felicia
rhombitruncated: Felicia with the Poe memorial
rhombitruncated: Felicia at the Poe memorial
rhombitruncated: Andrew w/the Poe memorial
rhombitruncated: Courtyard at the Poe Museum
rhombitruncated: Felicia in front of the Poe Museum
rhombitruncated: Richmond canal
rhombitruncated: Canal tour
rhombitruncated: Felicia on the canal tour
rhombitruncated: Canal tour
rhombitruncated: Turtle on the canal tour
rhombitruncated: Canal tour
rhombitruncated: Felicia on a river sculpture
rhombitruncated: Purple flower
rhombitruncated: Botanical garden
rhombitruncated: Red berries
rhombitruncated: Red peppers
rhombitruncated: Felicia on a butterfly chair
rhombitruncated: Cool spiral leaf
rhombitruncated: Giant butterflies
rhombitruncated: Butterfly
rhombitruncated: Felicia watching the butterflies
rhombitruncated: Felicia watching butterflies
rhombitruncated: Butterfly
rhombitruncated: Butterly
rhombitruncated: Storybook house
rhombitruncated: Storybook house
rhombitruncated: Frogs in the pond
rhombitruncated: Japanese garden