rhombitruncated: Felicia dreams of an over-sized M&M
rhombitruncated: Sexy lady liberty!
rhombitruncated: Sexy Lady Liberty
rhombitruncated: Dance fever M&M
rhombitruncated: Petunia and Lilly - our new dinos
rhombitruncated: Carousel in Bryant Park
rhombitruncated: Carousel in Bryant Park
rhombitruncated: Felicia in Times Square
rhombitruncated: Felicia in Times Square
rhombitruncated: Mr. Potato Head car on Toys R Us Ferris Wheel
rhombitruncated: Outside the M&Ms store
rhombitruncated: New York at Night Tour
rhombitruncated: New York at Night Tour
rhombitruncated: New York at Night Tour
rhombitruncated: New York at Night Tour - Bryant Park
rhombitruncated: New York at Night Tour - Empire State Building
rhombitruncated: New York at Night Tour - Public Library
rhombitruncated: New York at Night Tour
rhombitruncated: New York at Night Tour
rhombitruncated: New York at Night Tour
rhombitruncated: New York at Night Tour
rhombitruncated: New York at Night Tour
rhombitruncated: New York at Night Tour - entrance to the Manhattan Bridge
rhombitruncated: New York at Night Tour
rhombitruncated: New York at Night Tour
rhombitruncated: New York at Night Tour
rhombitruncated: New York at Night Tour
rhombitruncated: New York at Night Tour
rhombitruncated: New York at Night Tour
rhombitruncated: Lilly and Petunia settle into the room