rhombitruncated: Barb and Andrew in Alexandria
rhombitruncated: Our first engagement present
rhombitruncated: Grandma M's first digital picture!
rhombitruncated: Waiting for the IMAX show to start
rhombitruncated: We caught a shark!
rhombitruncated: Andrew and Barb in an alcove
rhombitruncated: Me and Andrew with "our" sidewalk square
rhombitruncated: Andrew and me by the Wicked sign
rhombitruncated: Finally aboard - can we sleep soon?
rhombitruncated: Me and Andrew
rhombitruncated: second_anniversary
rhombitruncated: Pink slippers for Jo
rhombitruncated: Violet Hunter and Sherlock Holmes
rhombitruncated: Family portrait
rhombitruncated: Me and Andrew at Broadway Pizza
rhombitruncated: Barb and Andrew
rhombitruncated: Me and Andrew at the National Christmas Tree
rhombitruncated: Happy-thesis celebration!
rhombitruncated: Happy-thesis celebration!
rhombitruncated: Lorna, Me, Andrew, Sandy, Mushi
rhombitruncated: Happy Halloween!
rhombitruncated: Happy Anniversary to Us!
rhombitruncated: All of us reached Damascus!
rhombitruncated: All of us reached Damascus!
rhombitruncated: Liam with Auntie Barb and Uncle Andrew
rhombitruncated: All of us with the 221B Baker Street Sign
rhombitruncated: Me, Doug and Andrew
rhombitruncated: Me and Andrew at Woo at the Zoo
rhombitruncated: Andrew is finally here!