rhombitruncated: Ares under the tree
rhombitruncated: Ares under the tree
rhombitruncated: Artemis on the blanket
rhombitruncated: Ares under the tree
rhombitruncated: Ares under the tree
rhombitruncated: Andrew opening his gifts
rhombitruncated: Ares checking out the presents
rhombitruncated: Wrapped-up Patrick
rhombitruncated: Patrick peeking out
rhombitruncated: Artemis peeking out
rhombitruncated: Artemis butt!
rhombitruncated: Patrick in the wrapping paper
rhombitruncated: Artemis in the wrapping paper
rhombitruncated: Ares butt in a box
rhombitruncated: Artemis inspecting our presents
rhombitruncated: Patrick gets in on the action
rhombitruncated: Ares in the wrapping paper
rhombitruncated: Duncan's a present
rhombitruncated: The boys in the christmas mess
rhombitruncated: Our tree
rhombitruncated: Artemis and Duncan in the christmas mess
rhombitruncated: The cats hold down pesky wrapping paper