rhombitruncated: Drying my nails
rhombitruncated: Showing off our nails after the manicure
rhombitruncated: Suzanne, Me, and Sweetie on the metro
rhombitruncated: All of us girls at Bertucci's
rhombitruncated: Me and the girls getting our jump-start at Starbucks
rhombitruncated: Sweetie, Me, and Mushi decorating with tulle
rhombitruncated: Sweetie and Crash draping more tulle
rhombitruncated: Suzanne opening her thank-you gift
rhombitruncated: Me and Andrew
rhombitruncated: Andrew and his parents
rhombitruncated: Me and my crazy nephew and neice
rhombitruncated: Wedding grasshopper
rhombitruncated: Me and the girls on an historical cobblestone road in Alexandria
rhombitruncated: We weren't looking good before our wedding make-overs!
rhombitruncated: Me under the hair dryer
rhombitruncated: A glittery lens
rhombitruncated: Mom getting her hair done
rhombitruncated: Sweetie getting her make-up
rhombitruncated: Suzanne taking lunch orders
rhombitruncated: Mushi doing goddess-knows-what behind my pretty hair
rhombitruncated: Mushi zipping up Mom
rhombitruncated: My wedding-shoes
rhombitruncated: The girls cinching up my dress
rhombitruncated: Escaping out the back of the hotel to Dad's waiting minivan
rhombitruncated: Three stages of psychosis
rhombitruncated: Three happy girls waiting for the wedding
rhombitruncated: Sweetie outside the restaurant
rhombitruncated: Mushi, Sweetie, and Kirsten in the bar
rhombitruncated: Our Gift Table