jillianhahnlen: The Polish Market by my hostel, there were tons of women cutting cheese and no one speaking English. In other words, it was perfectly charming
jillianhahnlen: Market Square
jillianhahnlen: steps leading up to Wawel Castle
jillianhahnlen: Wall of Wawel
jillianhahnlen: the road down from Wawel
jillianhahnlen: experiencing the Krakow nightlife
jillianhahnlen: Krakow Theater
jillianhahnlen: A man on a horse in the middle of construction.
jillianhahnlen: Market Square, the largest and oldest Medieval square.
jillianhahnlen: The Streets of Kasmirez, the Jewish district
jillianhahnlen: Kasmirez
jillianhahnlen: Kasmirez, where the buildings are acutally old.
jillianhahnlen: The remaining bits of the city wall separating Kasmirez from Krakow.
jillianhahnlen: Roll Call
jillianhahnlen: Rows of Housing Blocks
jillianhahnlen: Housing Block
jillianhahnlen: Housing Block 21
jillianhahnlen: The Opposite Side of Block 16
jillianhahnlen: Road to Crematorium
jillianhahnlen: "Warning, High Voltage, Mortal Danger"
jillianhahnlen: Women's Camp
jillianhahnlen: Women's Camp
jillianhahnlen: Women's Camp
jillianhahnlen: Barbed Wire
jillianhahnlen: Wash Room