aimeedars: crowd shot
aimeedars: crowd shot
aimeedars: bouquet
aimeedars: rings and bouquet
aimeedars: caleb and lucas with walter
aimeedars: lucas, caleb, and walter
aimeedars: george and aimee
aimeedars: mustached bride and groom
aimeedars: cake cutting
aimeedars: cake cutting
aimeedars: cake cutting
aimeedars: cake cutting
aimeedars: smush
aimeedars: IMG_9710
aimeedars: tent
aimeedars: candles
aimeedars: ryan, uncle gary, george
aimeedars: bonfire
aimeedars: fire pit
aimeedars: bartender
aimeedars: alivia and walter
aimeedars: anna and frances
aimeedars: disco barn
aimeedars: disco barn
aimeedars: walter and alivia
aimeedars: yeva and saul
aimeedars: yeva and saul
aimeedars: melissa, matthew, helen, jessica
aimeedars: disco barn