AIGA St. Louis Chapter: Jessa on the way to Philly
AIGA St. Louis Chapter: Tim and Jessa in Philly's Airport
AIGA St. Louis Chapter: Tim in the cab on the way to the hotel
AIGA St. Louis Chapter: The Conference Hotel outside
AIGA St. Louis Chapter: The Conference hotel inside
AIGA St. Louis Chapter: The old white house in philly
AIGA St. Louis Chapter: Old white house in Philly
AIGA St. Louis Chapter: Old white house in Philly
AIGA St. Louis Chapter: Old white house in Philly
AIGA St. Louis Chapter: Old white house in Philly
AIGA St. Louis Chapter: Independence Hall
AIGA St. Louis Chapter: The First Bank
AIGA St. Louis Chapter: The First Bank
AIGA St. Louis Chapter: Ben's Grave Site in Philly
AIGA St. Louis Chapter: The gate that block Ben's grave
AIGA St. Louis Chapter: A real Philly in Philly from Campo's
AIGA St. Louis Chapter: Red Owl roof top
AIGA St. Louis Chapter: AIGA Philly's Design Show
AIGA St. Louis Chapter: AIGA Philly's Design Show
AIGA St. Louis Chapter: AIGA Philly's Design Show
AIGA St. Louis Chapter: AIGA Philly's Design Show
AIGA St. Louis Chapter: AIGA Philly's Design Show
AIGA St. Louis Chapter: AIGA Philly's Design Show
AIGA St. Louis Chapter: AIGA Philly's Design Show