_schadenfreude: awful picture, i know, but she is so beautiful...8 years old
_schadenfreude: guitar player
_schadenfreude: old woman
_schadenfreude: hedrick i miguel
_schadenfreude: danielle and jordan
_schadenfreude: a boy, in our trip to djerba island
_schadenfreude: bored bored bored, i miss my own computer with all my pictures inside...
_schadenfreude: one of the stupid things you can do when you are really bored...
_schadenfreude: a bereber woman
_schadenfreude: taken by mistake
_schadenfreude: a spice market, near the sahara
_schadenfreude: ros, playing with lucas and ramon
_schadenfreude: me, with some friends in ireland
_schadenfreude: me, last year
_schadenfreude: me, a few years ago
_schadenfreude: mum and dad
_schadenfreude: adolfo, again
_schadenfreude: my uncle
_schadenfreude: my cousin, nerea
_schadenfreude: miguel y jandro
_schadenfreude: natshuki and yuki
_schadenfreude: natshuki