Aidan Pedreschi: Somersalt
Aidan Pedreschi: Red Tongue
Aidan Pedreschi: Rock Face
Aidan Pedreschi: School kid close up
Aidan Pedreschi: School Kids In Class
Aidan Pedreschi: Spice shop
Aidan Pedreschi: Ta Ta laughing
Aidan Pedreschi: Wild Boar
Aidan Pedreschi: Helicopter Trekking 2
Aidan Pedreschi: Helicopter Trekking 1
Aidan Pedreschi: Guess My Weight
Aidan Pedreschi: Girl with wheels
Aidan Pedreschi: Girl with brolly 1
Aidan Pedreschi: Girl by wall
Aidan Pedreschi: Flamin' Harry
Aidan Pedreschi: Dancing Mechanic
Aidan Pedreschi: Crazy Dog
Aidan Pedreschi: Buck wheat field
Aidan Pedreschi: Boy close up
Aidan Pedreschi: Boy and Man
Aidan Pedreschi: Tibetian Old Boy
Aidan Pedreschi: Preying Mantis