Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology Microscope4
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology10Handcolor
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology11Handcolor
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology Herbaria2
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology9Handcolor
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology8Printshop
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology7Printshop
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology6Printshop
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology4Printshop
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology5Printshop
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology Microscope11
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology Microscope12
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology Microscope12JPG
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology Microscope10
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology Microscope9
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology Microscope7a
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology Microscope8
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology Microscope7
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology Microscope6JPG
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology Microscope6
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology Microscope5
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology Microscope3
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology Microscope2JPG
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology Microscope1
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology Herbaria4
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology Herbaria3
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology Herbaria1
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology3Drawing Specimens
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology2Drawing Specimens
Lesley University College of Art and Design:
Art and Ecology1Drawing Specimens