ahsup: first bend of nujiang
ahsup: baoshao airport
ahsup: IMG_9131
ahsup: IMG_9130
ahsup: malnourished cows
ahsup: tiger leaping rock
ahsup: drop off
ahsup: raging waves
ahsup: IMG_9242
ahsup: houses on the mountains
ahsup: IMG_9263
ahsup: gourmet lisu meal
ahsup: street scene from fugong
ahsup: villages in the clouds
ahsup: crossing nujiang
ahsup: IMG_9423
ahsup: girls
ahsup: little dog running across the field
ahsup: IMG_9482
ahsup: church at bingzhongluo
ahsup: church in the middle of a village in bingzhongluo
ahsup: yet another bend
ahsup: group photo! at first bend of nujiang
ahsup: weird geological formations
ahsup: bingzhongluo
ahsup: lego villages
ahsup: lego bridge
ahsup: viewing terrace for bingzhongluo
ahsup: IMG_9578
ahsup: IMG_9606