Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_175135421 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40 year reunion Beth Gerstein Timm AHS 1982 and Clara Suarez Boyles​ Bandshell Park Ames Iowa oldest park
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_17564964 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40 year reunion bandshell park #AmesHighClassof1979 Sarvinder Bal Naberhaus, Donna Bappe Johnson, Ann Finn-South w Teresa Fields Erickson and Tracy Rasmussen #TracyRasmussen in the background #AmesHighClassof1979
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_175652522 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40 year reunion bandshell park #AmesHighClassof1979 Sarvinder Bal Naberhaus, Donna Bappe Johnson, Ann Finn-South w Teresa Fields Erickson in the background #AmesHighClassof1979
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_180731888 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40 year reunion Karen​ Martinson Zunkel and Michelle Faas Shaw​ #AmesHighClassof1979
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_180833030_HDR 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40 year reunion bandshell park #AmesHighClassof1979 Paul Torgeson​
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_181258940_HDR 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40 year reunion bandshell park #AmesHighClassof1979 classmates Annette Carter Nelson and Paul Torgeson
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_181316036_HDR 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40 year reunion bandshell park #AmesHighClassof1979 Randy Garrier and Will Gerstein AHS 1981 Rick Lynch background
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_181323874 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40 year reunion bandshell park #AmesHighClassof1979 Brenda​ Griffin Lem and Kim Widener Thornton​
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_181328999 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40 year reunion bandshell park #AmesHighClassof1979 Brenda​ Griffin Lem and Kim Widener Thornton​
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_181516416_HDR 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40 year reunion bandshell park Randy Sevde​, Midge Habhab Webster​, Paula Starcevic Whorlow​ #AmesHighClassof1979
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_181519242_HDR 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40 yr reunion bandshell park Randy Sevde​, Midge Habhab Webster​, Paula Starcevic Whorlow​ #AmesHighClassof1979
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_181548623 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40 year reunion bandshell park exchange student Olaf Froehlke​#AmesHighClassof1979
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_181706104 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40 year reunion bandshell park #AmesHighClassof1979 Rick Lynch
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_181851118_HDR 2019-06-14 1979 AHS Tom Boston, Ann Finn-South​, Donna Bappe Johnson​, Sarvinder Bal Naberhaus​, Paula Starcevic Whorlow​, Deb Sorenson Joens​, Midge Habhab Webster​, Brenda​ Griffen Lem, Kim Widener Thornton​
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_181855502_HDR 2019-06-14 1979 AHS Tom Boston, Ann Finn-South​, Donna Bappe Johnson​, Sarvinder Bal Naberhaus​, Paula Starcevic Whorlow​, Deb Sorenson Joens​, Midge Habhab Webster​, Brenda​ Griffen Lem, Kim Widener Thornton​
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_182809756 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40 year reunion bandshell park #AmesHighClassof1979 Tom Boston
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_182849454 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40 year reunion bandshell park Ed Hendrickson AHS 1974 photographer and Tom Boston #AmesHighClassof1979
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_183127549_HDR 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40 year reunion bandshell park AHS Authors classmates Sarvinder Bal Naberhaus and Todd Hageman #AmesHighClassof1979
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_183257777_HDR 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40 year reunion bandshell park #AmesHighClassof1979 Ann Finn-South w Exile Ruthie
Ames High School Alumni: Mark Gerstein AHS 1980 Selfie 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40th w Robert Walls 1979 and Will Gerstein AHS 1981 background #AmesHighClassof1979 Bandshell Park Ames Iowa June 14 2019 Class of 1979 reunion IMG_20190614_183805639
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_183819158 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40 year reunion Will Gerstein AHS 1981 talking w Sarvinder AHS 1979 Bandshell Park Ames Iowa June 2019
Ames High School Alumni: MG_20190614_183821251 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40 year reunion Ann Finn-South​ talking with classmate Robert Wells
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_183825006 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40 year reunion Tim Hunziker​ with classmate Todd Hageman​ showing his meditation skills
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_185341932 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40 year reunion Awesome classmates Sarvinder Bal Naberhaus​, Sherri Stokke Paul​, Ann Finn-South​
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_185517431 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40 year reunion Edward Lee Hendrickson Jr. Sherri Stokke Pauli Midge Habhab Webster
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_185744736 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40 year reunion Bob Catus AHS 1973 and Kayleen Catus​ AHS 1979
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_185904409 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40-year reunion Bret Fuller AHS 1979 and Bob Catus AHS 1973
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_190127627 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40-year reunion classmates and friends SueAnn Hook Daley​ and Kayleen Catus​
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_190128842 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40 yr reunion classmates SueAnn Hook Daley​ and Kayleen Catus​
Ames High School Alumni: IMG_20190614_190507025 2019-06-14 1979 AHS 40-year reunion Barb Brentnall Mahan AHS 1978, Jane Houk Marshalltown 1978 and Sherri Stokke Paul AHS 1979 #AmesHighClassof1979 #AmesHighClassof1978