Ames High School Alumni: Basement class room Meeker School w chaulk boards. Believe it or not, this used to be a classroom. I had 2nd grade here 1963 to 1964. In the basement of Meeker Elementary School. I had not stepped into this room in 50+ years
Ames High School Alumni: Original Meeker Elementary School classroom Panoramic. Had 4th grade with Mrs. Struble as the teacher in this room at Meeker Elementary School in Ames, Iowa. One of last photos inside Meeker School before demolished to make room for the new Meeker.
Ames High School Alumni: Meeker gymnasium 2015-02-27 15.35.45 panoramic Motorola X camera. This also doubled as the lunch room, at least when I went to Meeker in the 1960's. This building was demolished and a new Meeker built
Ames High School Alumni: Meeker Auditorium Panoramic fr Stage Fri Feb 27 2015 3:33 pm. Semi blurry panoramic, but a worthy photo because probably last photo ever taken of Meeker Auditorium Friday before they demolished interior of this great space. Started Demo next Monday. MotoX
Ames High School Alumni: Panoramic view of Meeker Elementary School classroom This is classroom where I had 4th grade in the 1960's. Sad for me and many others as this school was demolished soon after this photo was taken . Feb 27 2015 3:41 pm
Ames High School Alumni: Basement utility room / class room Meeker School w chaulk boards. Believe it or not, this used to be a classroom. I had 2nd grade here 1963 to 1964. In the basement of Meeker Elementary School. I had not stepped into this room in 50+ years. 2015-02-27201
Ames High School Alumni: Basement utility room / class room Meeker School w chaulk boards. Believe it or not, this used to be a classroom. I had 2nd grade here 1963 to 1964. In the basement of Meeker Elementary School. I had not stepped into this room in 50+ years. 2015-02-27
Ames High School Alumni: Meeker Auditorium from stage Fri Feb 27 2015. Probably last photo ever taken of Meeker Auditorium Friday before they demolished interior of this great space. Started removing seats and other interior demolition the next Monday. MotoX 2015-02-27 15.33.00
Ames High School Alumni: Meeker Elementary School panoramic exterior view from 20th street side. View from Meeker School parking lot Blue Ribbon School 3:58 pm Feb 27 2015. The Blue Ribbon was designed and created by Meeker Art Teacher Susan Norris and her students #photobyEd
Ames High School Alumni: AM Kindergarten Mrs Brown Meeker Elementary School Ames Iowa 1961 - 1962 probably taken October 1961 #AmesHighClassof1974 #AHSClassPhoto #1974ClassPhoto #julielandonhuisman
Ames High School Alumni: 2014-06-27 12.11.01 Old Meeker Elementary School, 4th and 5th grade wing. Ames Iowa
Ames High School Alumni: Meeker Elementary School Desks Ames Iowa
Ames High School Alumni: School Desk at Meeker Elementary School Ames Iowa. June 27 2014 12:17pm
Ames High School Alumni: Meeker School Desk Ames Iowa
Ames High School Alumni: 2014-06-27 12.18.21 Meeker School Ames Iowa
Ames High School Alumni: 2014-06-27 12.18.30 New Meeker School under construction Ames Iowa
Ames High School Alumni: 2014-06-27 12.18.38 New Meeker School on the left and old Meeker on the right - Ames Iowa
Ames High School Alumni: 2014-06-27 12.19.34 Exterior of Kindergarten courtyard at old Meeker School Ames Iowa
Ames High School Alumni: Original Old Meeker Elementary School 2014-06-27 12.20.16 Meeker School Ames Iowa. This was the door used for Mrs. Brown Kindergarten class. Ames, Iowa. Where I had kindergarten in 1961
Ames High School Alumni: 2014-06-27 12.22.51 Meeker School Ames Iowa
Ames High School Alumni: 2014-06-27 12.23.15 Meeker School Ames Iowa
Ames High School Alumni: New Meeker Construction 2014-06-27 12.24.31 Meeker School Ames Iowa
Ames High School Alumni: New Meeker School construction view from old Meeker playground. 2014-06-27 12.24.55 Meeker School Ames Iowa
Ames High School Alumni: Ames Iowa Meeker Elementary School AM Kindergarten Mrs Brown 1961-1962 name roster estimated taken October 1961 #AmesHighClassof1974 #AHSClassPhoto #1974ClassPhoto
Ames High School Alumni: Meeker All Stars Ames Tribune little league Ames Iowa ~ 1966 #AmesHighClassof1974 #AmesHighClassof1975 #AmesHighClassof1976
Ames High School Alumni: 1st Grade Meeker Mrs. Ritchie Dec 1962 #AmesHighClassof1974 #AHSClassPhoto #1974ClassPhoto
Ames High School Alumni: 1965 Fall 4th Grade Meeker Elementary School Mrs. Struble teacher Ames Iowa class photo #AmesHighClassof1974 #AHS1974Elementary
Ames High School Alumni: 4th Grade class roster Meeker Elementary School Ames Iowa Mrs Struble teacher #AmesHighClassof1974
Ames High School Alumni: 1965 Fall 4th Grade Meeker Elementary School Mrs. Struble teacher Ames Iowa cropped enlarged class photo #AmesHighClassof1974