ahmad89: wedding ceremony in progress
ahmad89: sweet virginia
ahmad89: truly old time virginia
ahmad89: arms wide open
ahmad89: joy and happiness
ahmad89: sirin knows how to work it
ahmad89: sirin the cheerleader
ahmad89: kristin with her husband and in-laws
ahmad89: celebrating with the bride and groom
ahmad89: time to begin the ceremony
ahmad89: a view up the mountain
ahmad89: me and my date
ahmad89: priya and sirin hang with their friends
ahmad89: priya's fancy shoes
ahmad89: pebbles in every variety
ahmad89: decorative flowers for the ceremony
ahmad89: kristin's autumn wedding bouquet
ahmad89: reverend ahmad gets down to business
ahmad89: kristin and ian say their vows
ahmad89: sirin is photo ready
ahmad89: ian's brother and mother welcome wedding guests
ahmad89: me with the beautiful bride
ahmad89: girls posing
ahmad89: kristin looks lovely
ahmad89: the setting is prepared
ahmad89: wedding tent
ahmad89: the gorgeous bride
ahmad89: a moment before the wedding
ahmad89: kristin and priya
ahmad89: sirin is all smiles