mahlness: Marbled Godwits 8/15/22a
mahlness: Double-crested Cormorant 8/15/22
mahlness: Marbled Godwits 8/15/22b
mahlness: Western Gull 8/15/22
mahlness: Pigeon Guillemot 8/15/22
mahlness: Pigeon Guillemot video 8/15/22
mahlness: Yellowlegs 8/15/22a
mahlness: Yellowlegs video 8/15/22
mahlness: Yellowlegs 8/15/22b
mahlness: Black-bellied Plovers and Yellowlegs video 815/22
mahlness: Marbled Godwit, BB Plovers, and SB Dowitchers video 8/15/22
mahlness: Willet and Marbled Godwit 8/15/22a
mahlness: Willet and Marbled Godwit video 8/15/22
mahlness: Willet and Marbled Godwit 8/15/22b
mahlness: Willet and Marbled Godwit 8/15/22c
mahlness: Whimbrels and Gulls video 8/15/22
mahlness: Pelicans and Cormorants 8/15/22
mahlness: Brown Pelicans video 8/15/22
mahlness: Brown Pelican 8/15/22
mahlness: Marbled Godwit and Willets 8/15/22a
mahlness: Willet 8/15/22
mahlness: Marbled Godwit and Willets video 8/15/22
mahlness: Marbled Godwit and Willets 8/15/22b
mahlness: Purple Martins and Cormorant 8/15/22
mahlness: Purple Martins 8/15/22
mahlness: Herrmann's Gulls 8/15/22
mahlness: Mt Rainier 8/15/22