mahlness: Western Sandpiper 9/6/21
mahlness: Marbled Godwits in the fog 9/6/21a
mahlness: Western Sandpipers in the fog 9/6/21
mahlness: Black-bellied Plover and Short-billed Dowitchers 9/6/21
mahlness: Marbled Godwits in the fog video 9/6/21b
mahlness: Marbled Godwits in the Fog video 9/6/21b
mahlness: Brown Pelican 9/6/21
mahlness: Graveyard Spit 9/6/21
mahlness: Black-bellied Plover juvenile 9/6/21
mahlness: Bald Eagle 9/6/21
mahlness: At the Airport 9/6/21
mahlness: Great Egret 9/6/21
mahlness: Sunrise 9/7/21
mahlness: Brown Pelicans 9/7/21a
mahlness: Dragonfly 9/7/21
mahlness: Black-bellied Plovers 9/7/21
mahlness: Black-bellied Plovers 9/7/21
mahlness: Black-bellied Plover video 9/7/21
mahlness: Marbled Godwit 9/7/21
mahlness: Willets 9/7/21a
mahlness: Marbled Godwits and Willets video 9/7/21
mahlness: Marbled Godwits and Willets 9/7/21a
mahlness: Brown Pelican 9/7/21
mahlness: Marbled Godwits and Willets 9/7/21b
mahlness: Willets 9/7/21b
mahlness: Heermann's gulls 9/7/21
mahlness: Brown Pelicans 9/7/21b
mahlness: Marbled Godwits and Willets 9/7/21c
mahlness: Heermann's gull 9/7/21
mahlness: Bar-tailed Godwit video 9/7/21a