mahlness: Sweet Peas 7/3/21
mahlness: Caspian Tern 7/3/21
mahlness: Spotted Sandpiper 7/11/21
mahlness: Common Mergansers on a log 7/11/21a
mahlness: Common Mergansers on a log 7/11/21b
mahlness: Common Mergansers on a log 7/11/21c
mahlness: Common Mergansers on a log 7/11/21d
mahlness: Western (1) and Least (6) Sandpipers 7/21/21
mahlness: Western Sandpiper 7/21/21
mahlness: Belted Kingfisher 7/21/21
mahlness: Least and Western Sandpipers video 7/21/21
mahlness: Killdeer and 2 Least Sandpipers 7/26/21
mahlness: Caspian Tern video 8/2/21
mahlness: Black-capped Chickadee 8/16/21
mahlness: Two Osprey nests in the big city 8/16/21
mahlness: Two Osprey nests in the big city video 8/16/21
mahlness: Caspian Terns 8/16/21
mahlness: Spotted Sandpipers video 8/23/21
mahlness: Double-crested Cormorant 9/12/21
mahlness: Canada Geese 9/12/21
mahlness: Common Mergansers 9/12/21a
mahlness: Common Mergansers 9/12/21c
mahlness: Rose Hips 9/12/21
mahlness: Spotted Sandpiper 9/12/21
mahlness: Spotted Sandpiper 9/25/21a
mahlness: Spotted Sandpiper 9/25/21b
mahlness: Mallard 3/9/22
mahlness: Lesser Scaup 3/9/22
mahlness: Lesser Scaup video 3/9/22
mahlness: Gull 3/9/22