mahlness: Marbled Godwits 7/22/19a
mahlness: Marbled Godwits 7/22/19b
mahlness: Marbled Godwits 7/22/19c
mahlness: Marbled Godwit 7/22/19d
mahlness: Pigeon guillemot 7/22/19a
mahlness: Pigeon guillemot 7/22/19b
mahlness: Pigeon guillemots 7/22/19c
mahlness: Brown Pelican 7/22/19
mahlness: Nesting Gull 7/22/19a
mahlness: Nesting Gull 7/22/19b
mahlness: Nesting Gull 7/22/19c
mahlness: Marbled Godwit 7/22/19e
mahlness: Marbled Godwit 7/22/19f
mahlness: Semipalmated Plover 7/22/19
mahlness: Whimbrel 7/22/19a
mahlness: Whimbrels 7/22/19b
mahlness: Least Sandpipers 7/22/19a
mahlness: Least Sandpipers 7/22/19b
mahlness: Wandering Tattler 7/22/19
mahlness: Brown Pelican mass 7/22/19
mahlness: Brown Pelicans 7/22/19
mahlness: Brown Pelican and Western Gull 7/22/19a
mahlness: Brown Pelican and Western Gull 7/22/19b
mahlness: Hooded Merganser juvenile 7/22/19