ahawks81: Image_0006
ahawks81: Obligatory new camera shot
ahawks81: Self portrait?
ahawks81: Quite dashing indeed!
ahawks81: Image_0033
ahawks81: Just Me
ahawks81: Look at me all serious
ahawks81: Do my hands look small?
ahawks81: Watching the world go by
ahawks81: Me with setting sun
ahawks81: 10-22mm, Popeye arms
ahawks81: At the Cocktail party
ahawks81: Yes, I'm a dork
ahawks81: Face shot with huge diffuser
ahawks81: Black & White self portrait
ahawks81: Arrrr
ahawks81: Window to my soul?
ahawks81: Me and Ron Paul
ahawks81: thinking face
ahawks81: In Hawaii!
ahawks81: Some of the fam
ahawks81: Me, Rainbow falls
ahawks81: Guitar Hero!
ahawks81: Guitar Hero!
ahawks81: Just another of me
ahawks81: Looking out window