00 Pancake bar, tapered edge, early Roman Republic STR coll.
000/3 Aes Rude complete pancake. bar, together with a large fragment with identical patinas. Flat edged about 10mm thick at edge, 1270g or four Roman pounds, STR coll. ex Berk
05/1 Aes Signatum Quincussis. Cast five pound bar, large fragment with bulls forefeet on both sides, STR coll. ex ROMA esale2
13/1 early Roman coinage Didrachm, Mars; horsehead, tablet with ROMANO, 6g92, STR coll. ex Rosenblum. These dies not in Bunett's study
13/1 variety early Roman coinage plated Didrachm, Mars right, horsehead, tablet with ROMANO, STR coll. This plated type has Mars facing opposite to normal
14/2 Aes Grave Semis. Dioscuri-Mercury series Minerva; Venus, STR coll.
015-01b anonymous Didrachm. early Roman coinage Apollo; horse, star. AM#1719-72, mm 7g23
16/1a Anonymous Dilitra. early Roman coinage Female head, lion holding spear in mouth, 10g34, STR coll. ex Lanz, large letter variant
16/1a Anonymous Dilitra. early Roman coinage Female head, lion holding spear in mouth, 9g94, STR coll. ex Mediterranean
16/1b Anonymous Dilitra. early Roman coinage Female head left, lion holding spear in mouth, 9g11, STR coll. ex Tintinna, scarce head left variety
17/1c var. Cosa mint Litra - not Rome. Minerva left, Horsehead left on tablet, very rare COZANO Cosa legend, first Roman provincial coin, 5g75, STR coll. ex NAC61,74 RBW coll
17/1a anonymous Litra. early Roman coinage Minerva left, Horsehead right on tablet, 5g23, STR coll. ex Dieterle
17/1e var. anonymous Litra. early Roman coinage Minerva right, Horsehead right on tablet, ROMAAC legend variety, 5g77, STR coll. ex Morton & Eden Seaver coll
20/1 Didrachm. early Roman coinage Hercules; wolf and twins, 7g09, STR coll.
22/1 Didrachm. early Roman coinage Diana, cornucopiae; Victory with palm, wreath, control letter, 6g69, STR coll. ex Ancient Byways
23/1 anonymous Dilitra. early Roman coinage Minerva, symbol behind, eagle on thunderbolt, sword, 13g80, STR coll. ex Lanz
25/2 Drachm. early Roman coinage Mars; horsehead, sickle, 3g28, STR coll. ex NAC61 RBW coll.
26/1 Didrachm. early Roman coinage Apollo; horse, 6g58, STR coll. ex Ancient Byways
26/2 Drachm. early Roman coinage Apollo; horse, 3g20, STR coll. ex NAC61 RBW. Of the highest rarity,
26/4 anonymous Half Litra. early Roman coinage Diana; dog, 1g65, STR coll
27/1 Didrachm. early Roman coinage Mars club, Horse club, 6g50, STR coll.
28/3 Quadrigatus, late light and debased, Janus, flat truncation, Jupiter, Victory in quadriga, relief legend. Crude style, smll dumpy flan, 5g55, STR coll.
28/3 Quadrigatus. early Roman coinage Janus, round truncation, incuse trapezoid tablet; Jupiter, Victory in quadriga, 6g24, STR coll. ex NAC
29/3 Quadrigatus. early Roman coinage Janus, round truncation, relief legend on trapezoid tablet; cf. RRC pl. 4, 3. Jupiter, Victory in quadriga, STR coll.
28/4 Half Quadrigatus. early Roman coinage Janus, flat truncation, narrow head; Jupiter, Victory in racing quadriga left, exergual legend, 3g01, STR coll. ex NAC61 RBW coll.
28/5 Silver As, Quadrigatus fraction. early Roman coinage Janus, horse, ROMA, 1g04, STR coll. ex NAC72 JD coll. of the highest rarity, one sixth quadrigatus = 1 libral aes grave As
41/Ax10 Uncia McCabe group A1. post-semilibral series Roma Prow, 7g75, STR coll. ex PBJI, attractive green patina
41/B5 As McCabe group A2. Janus, prow, 56g43, STR coll. ex CNG, fine style and heavy struck bronze of post-semlibral weight, not in Crawford
41/A6 Semis McCabe group A1. Saturn Prow, 31g70, STR coll. ex M&M19 Gibboni coll., heavy post semilibral weight
42/1 corn-ear Quadrigtus Didrachm. early Roman coinage, Janus, Victory in Quadriga, 6g67, STR coll. ex Freeman Sear