RRC 359 L.SVLLA IMPER ITERVM Cornelia denarius, Ahala collection, coins of the Roman Republic
RRC 360 L.CENSORIN Marcia, RRC 361 P.CREPVSI Crepusia, RRC 362 C.MAMILI LIMETAN Mamilia, Ahala collection, coins of the Roman Republic
RRC 362 C.MAMILI Mamilia imitative, RRC 363 L.CENSOR Marcia, RRC 364 Q.ANTO BALB Antonia, RRC 366 C.ANNIVS Annia, Ahala collection, coins of the Roman Republic
365/1 C VAL FLAC Eagle Standards Denarius Bronze Die for minting coins
RRC 366 C.ANNIVS PRO COS Annia, L.FABI HISP Q. Fabia, C.TARQVITI Tarquitia denarii, Ahala collection, coins of the Roman Republic
367/1 control number variety Sulla and Manlius Denarius, hd Roma, Triumphator crowed by Victory in static Quadriga r, control no.I behind. Phillip Davis coll
367/3 Sulla and Manlius Denarius, hd Roma, Triumphator crowed by Victory in static Quadriga r, Phillip Davis coll.
367/4 Aureus Roma MANLI PRO Q Sulla quadriga L SVLLA
RRC 368 L.SVLA IMPE Cornelia As, RRC 369 M.METELLVS Caecilia, RRC 370 C.SERVEIL Servilia, RRC 371 Q.MAX Fabia, Ahala collection, coins of the Roman Republic
RRC 373 A.POST ALBIN Postumia, RRC 373 Apollo Victory quinarius, RRC 374 Q.C.M.P.I. Metellus Pius Caecilia, Ahala collection, coins of the Roman Republic
RRC 374 IMPER Caecilia, RRC 375 Q Sulla Cornelia, RRC 377 L.VLO. L.F. STRABO Volteia, RRC 378 C.MARI Maria, Ahala collection, coins of the Roman Republic
RRC 379 L.PROCILI Procilia, RRC 380 C.POBLICI Poblicia, RRC 382 C.NAE BALB Naevia, RRC 383 TI.CLAVD Claudia, Ahala collection, coins of the Roman Republic
379/1 L.PROCILI.F. Procilia Denarius. Jupiter S.C. Juno Sospita. Rome 80BC.
381/1 Aureus Roma A MANLI AFQ, equestrian statue L SVLLA FELIX DIC
RRC 384 L.PAPI Papia, RRC 385 M.VOLTEI Volteia denarii, Ahala collection, coins of the Roman Republic
RRC 385 M.VOLTEI S.C.D.T. Volteia, RRC 386 C.CASSI Cassia, RRC 387 L.RVTILI Rutilia, RRC 389 L.RVSTI Rustia, Ahala collection, coins of the Roman Republic
RRC 390 L.LVCRETI TRIO Lucretia denarii, RRC 391 C.EGNATIVS Egnatia denarii, Ahala collection, coins of the Roman Republic
RRC 391 C.EGNATIVS, RRC 392 L.FARSVLEI, RRC 393 CN.LEN.Q Cornelia, RRC 395, 72BC L.COSSVTI Cossutia, Ahala collection, coins of the Roman Republic
RRC 396, 71BC L.PLAETORI Plaetoria athletes with jug, discus, torch, Ahala collection, coins of the Roman Republic
RRC 396, 71BC L.PLAETORI Plaetoria, RRC 397, 71BC P.LENT Cornelia, RRC 398, 70BC Q.POMPONI Pomponia, RRC 399, 69BC Q.CREPER Crepereia, Ahala collection, coins of the Roman Republic
RRC 400, 70BC L.AXIVS NASO Axia, RRC 403, 68BC KALENI CORDI Fufia, RRC 404, 66BC, T.VETTIVS SABINVS Vettia, Ahala collection, coins of the Roman Republic
402/1 Aureus Africa wreath MAGNVS Pompey in triumphal quadriga PRO COS