Agroknow: Discussing on the PhD Fishbowl
Agroknow: PhD Fishbowl - inside the bowl!
Agroknow: Presentation in the plenary
Agroknow: PhD Mentoring!
Agroknow: PhD Mentoring with Dennis Gillet
Agroknow: PhD Mentoring - 2 PhDs to 1 mentor!
Agroknow: PhD Mentoring and discussions!
Agroknow: PhD students discussing between them!
Agroknow: Wisdom being passed on!
Agroknow: Nikos x2 and Salvador!
Agroknow: Post its from PhD Mentoring session!
Agroknow: Presentation in the plenary
Agroknow: Presentation in the plenary
Agroknow: Sharing thoughts!
Agroknow: Sharing post-its from PhD Mentoring!
Agroknow: JTEL and Natural Europe session!
Agroknow: Presentation in the plenary
Agroknow: Presentation in the JTEL plenary!
Agroknow: Presentation in the plenary!
Agroknow: Full house!
Agroknow: Nikos Palavitsinis presenting himself in Pecha Kucha!
Agroknow: Presentation in the plenary!
Agroknow: Presentation in the plenary!