smoothna: A bowl full of plums.
smoothna: New books.
smoothna: Straws
smoothna: One of these..
smoothna: Night and day on a spicy planet.
smoothna: Brush
smoothna: Gas-ring
smoothna: A bottle full of candlelight.
smoothna: Spooky...
smoothna: Line Symmetry.
smoothna: Spools.
smoothna: Weronika's scarf.
smoothna: Spillikins.Bierki.
smoothna: Skin.
smoothna: Oak leaves.
smoothna: Spoon.
smoothna: Wisdom.
smoothna: B like bookmark or book
smoothna: Mmmmm.... (on the milk foam).
smoothna: Look of the innocence.
smoothna: A luxury.
smoothna: Wood.
smoothna: Back-to-school
smoothna: Taken for Macro Mondays group. Topic:Smaller than a coin.
smoothna: Fruits
smoothna: Orchidea
smoothna: Twist
smoothna: Love Letter
smoothna: Tulip