Ev@ ;-): You breathe slowly so you won't make noise.....
Ev@ ;-): one more minute to dreams
Ev@ ;-): in each tear of springtime there's a lesson..
Ev@ ;-): storm mood
Ev@ ;-): that's life
Ev@ ;-): one more time
Ev@ ;-): ☆ solaris ☀.。.:*
Ev@ ;-): ˜ ~˜ flying high in the sky ――ıĩł―ˆ―
Ev@ ;-): ~˜♪~autumn blues ~♪˜♫≈~
Ev@ ;-): ~◦≈~ sideshow project ~◦☼~≈~◦~
Ev@ ;-): ♥ enjoy the silence ♥ love is all around ♥
Ev@ ;-): love is also to sharing a silence........
Ev@ ;-): me all'opera
Ev@ ;-): lunga è la strada, stretta la via, dite la vostra che io ho detto la mia ~*~ the road is long away, the path is narrow, you says yours, that I have said mine
Ev@ ;-): to be alive...
Ev@ ;-): my l@ke
Ev@ ;-): the lake of the swans.....
Ev@ ;-): aggiungi un posto a tavola ~ you add a place to table
Ev@ ;-): il cielo in una stanza ~♥~ the sky in a room
Ev@ ;-): I'm waiting for you
Ev@ ;-): have you put the dots on the "i"?
Ev@ ;-): punto e virgola ; point and comma
Ev@ ;-): bench for two
Ev@ ;-): lonely
Ev@ ;-): the old car
Ev@ ;-): nel blu dei miei sogni... - in the blue of my dreams....
Ev@ ;-): sogno di un pomeriggio di mezzo inverno
Ev@ ;-): ♥?♥
Ev@ ;-): febbraio
Ev@ ;-): blue & yellow