Ev@ ;-): Twilight
Ev@ ;-): Naked Souls
Ev@ ;-): in the heart of R♥me
Ev@ ;-): beyond the window
Ev@ ;-): You give me the wings to fly
Ev@ ;-): vanishing beauty - the City is show
Ev@ ;-): embrace of light
Ev@ ;-): Pink Sn@ils in Rome
Ev@ ;-): white horse and the ancient cheese
Ev@ ;-): people awakening
Ev@ ;-): a second spring:。✿*゚¨゚
Ev@ ;-): wings to the sunset...
Ev@ ;-): out of enemy fire
Ev@ ;-): Rome
Ev@ ;-): City fire
Ev@ ;-): Coliseum
Ev@ ;-): coming and going
Ev@ ;-): I remember...........
Ev@ ;-): ¨'*·~-.¸¸,.-~*'¨AuTuMn iN RoMe¨'*·~-.¸¸,.-~*'
Ev@ ;-): I'm away to holidays, a good holidays for everyone. Waiting me, or forget me.... I'm unforgettable ;-)
Ev@ ;-): I Love You Baby * I♥RoMe
Ev@ ;-): ride the clouds...
Ev@ ;-): turn round... upside ;-)
Ev@ ;-): arrivals and departures
Ev@ ;-): in&out
Ev@ ;-): people on the beach
Ev@ ;-): carpe diem
Ev@ ;-): Quartiere Coppedè - Roma
Ev@ ;-): at the usual place at 8:30 p.m.
Ev@ ;-): in the heart of Rome is spring