agnesdeer: a bench near the entrance to the park
agnesdeer: took to the hatter like a walk in the park
agnesdeer: cal said red
agnesdeer: meet me at the moondial, david
agnesdeer: hello david
agnesdeer: tomorrow you will get a bicycle
agnesdeer: jo cant sa lluna i s'estrella, sa jungla i es bosc animat
agnesdeer: caliente, caliente, como el agua de la fuente
agnesdeer: biking holidays to france
agnesdeer: en el corazón de algunos niños
agnesdeer: she could see parks
agnesdeer: in the morning by the fountain they talk tentatively
agnesdeer: she was a child in this kingdom by the sea
agnesdeer: in this kingdom by the sea a wind blew out of a cloud
agnesdeer: with a very angel as my comforter
agnesdeer: i leave europe for the east
agnesdeer: talent is neglected in this country
agnesdeer: you should take yourself more seriously
agnesdeer: cats rush up at her approach
agnesdeer: i am the cat who walks alone
agnesdeer: by the sounding sea
agnesdeer: i'm gonna miss the sea
agnesdeer: she wanted to own in someone else what she could not own in herself
agnesdeer: my friend had just arrived from europe
agnesdeer: i will be happy in europe
agnesdeer: there was something the matter with the eyes of so many people
agnesdeer: but don't englishwomen dress just like everybody else in the evening?