agnesdeer: you smoke too much
agnesdeer: si un atardecer las gardenias de mi amor se mueren
agnesdeer: looking at the photographer, spinning his body away whenever she lifted the camera to photograph in his direction
agnesdeer: the long cairo evenings
agnesdeer: evenings of dancing
agnesdeer: superstar slammin on his guitar
agnesdeer: it's 1am, that's the evening your time
agnesdeer: it’s never safe for us, not even in the evening
agnesdeer: un dia de vespre i de son
agnesdeer: ryan swore allegiance to the little men with big guitars
agnesdeer: knew the blues and played harmonica
agnesdeer: diga'm què penses es vespres
agnesdeer: such happiness begins
agnesdeer: les beaux soirs ou l'espoir berce mon reve
agnesdeer: tonight there'll be some love
agnesdeer: watching old movies in the evening time
agnesdeer: head in the clouds this evening
agnesdeer: come and find me in the evening
agnesdeer: its’ all just a different kind of the same thing
agnesdeer: y si pierdo la cabeza ¿quién me va decir que pare?
agnesdeer: every subject’s soul is his own
agnesdeer: nothing stays the same
agnesdeer: she looked handsomer and more diana-like than ever
agnesdeer: the carols at the piano promised never came to pass
agnesdeer: this is no time for study: so cheer up
agnesdeer: it’s said that there’s a time for everything
agnesdeer: allò que hi havia en ella de particularment deliciós
agnesdeer: we also know that reality can be invented
agnesdeer: women learn to be women and men learn to be men
agnesdeer: nothing is great or little otherwise than by comparison