agnesdeer: let's go to the park
agnesdeer: in the spring twilight the train stopped at the rhinebeck station
agnesdeer: our american stations must surprise you
agnesdeer: my train doesn't leave till evening: i'm going back to new york
agnesdeer: the train came nearer
agnesdeer: dreta vora del vagó, contemplà l’andana i l’estació il•luminada
agnesdeer: a tree, a patch of shade
agnesdeer: don’t lose heart, put a smile on, and cheer up!
agnesdeer: no dejarlo escapar de tu corazón por todos los días de tu vida
agnesdeer: riding her bike through alphabet city
agnesdeer: this is our time, our only time on earth
agnesdeer: have you seen the animal-eater documentaries?
agnesdeer: navega amb alegria i molta pràctica
agnesdeer: row row row your boat
agnesdeer: a bright, serene may it was
agnesdeer: my heart went do dat da
agnesdeer: anticipate
agnesdeer: this car of mine
agnesdeer: returning home ii
agnesdeer: incomplete
agnesdeer: we'll run away
agnesdeer: french career women continue to have children
agnesdeer: you learn
agnesdeer: you've got so many choices
agnesdeer: read your mind
agnesdeer: secret door
agnesdeer: so we went to the park
agnesdeer: como las gotas de lluvia sobre el césped
agnesdeer: an evening of clearing weather
agnesdeer: it was the only time that he had kissed her on the lips