agnesdeer: the soul that has a guest, doth seldom go abroad
agnesdeer: don't worry baby
agnesdeer: head over feet
agnesdeer: the house that jack built
agnesdeer: beauty is in the eye of the gazer
agnesdeer: the song he wrote about a girl he used to know
agnesdeer: yo mismo juzgaré entre oveja y oveja…
agnesdeer: …outrageously beautiful…
agnesdeer: ...els pintors francesos, en el fet de no mentir, hi veuen ja poesia
agnesdeer: shenandoah
agnesdeer: but i hadn’t enough money for an umbrella
agnesdeer: sick and tired
agnesdeer: socio de la soledad
agnesdeer: song for the unloved
agnesdeer: a song is just a game i’m getting good at cheating at
agnesdeer: it helped my afternoons
agnesdeer: girl you make me wanna move
agnesdeer: i'm in love with a girl
agnesdeer: i'm not the kind of girl who gives up just like that
agnesdeer: those schoolgirl days of telling tales and biting nails are gone
agnesdeer: your art of love and your love of art
agnesdeer: the artist must possess the courageous soul that dares and defies
agnesdeer: one art, to recognize, must be, another art to praise
agnesdeer: a certain element of artificiality seemed to him necessary in beauty
agnesdeer: i heard the dogs
agnesdeer: lulu, call the dogs off
agnesdeer: too much to ask
agnesdeer: go join the other side where there's stately beauty
agnesdeer: és bo que el món conegui la obra bella i no els seus orígens ni les condicions en què ha aparegut
agnesdeer: no es el arte la luz que nos ciega los ojos