agnesdeer: the apples and the termos of black coffee
agnesdeer: reanimadme con manzanas
agnesdeer: el perfume de tu aliento es como el de las manzanas
agnesdeer: not every apple that is good to see is good to eat
agnesdeer: una manzana de sollozos
agnesdeer: one good apple
agnesdeer: apple, maybe cherry
agnesdeer: amb gust de poma
agnesdeer: apple winter warm
agnesdeer: fragrant and shapely as an apple
agnesdeer: she then offered me an apple
agnesdeer: apples roll away
agnesdeer: you want an apple?
agnesdeer: apple, apple?
agnesdeer: the cigarette and the apple
agnesdeer: the only apple tree
agnesdeer: are these apples from your tree?
agnesdeer: into the apple trees
agnesdeer: old apple-trees