agnesdeer: it was the same in paris
agnesdeer: vuelve a sonreir, a recordar paris
agnesdeer: i can't put a name to you
agnesdeer: vaig anar-me'n a paris
agnesdeer: merry-go-round
agnesdeer: like watching Paris from an express caboose heading in the opposite direction
agnesdeer: in her high heels
agnesdeer: is to paris come...
agnesdeer: and i will dream that dream
agnesdeer: she always slammed my car door
agnesdeer: the truth of his life
agnesdeer: crossing the atlantic with her
agnesdeer: ségouin was in good humour
agnesdeer: have you seen paris?
agnesdeer: they believe in enjoying life
agnesdeer: is it true that paris is so...?
agnesdeer: the three graces, paris, the quotation from browning
agnesdeer: in london, paris, milan
agnesdeer: that part that paris played
agnesdeer: he talked about paris and rome
agnesdeer: who in paris is going to see that you get a salt-free diet?
agnesdeer: villette
agnesdeer: i'll go to paris...
agnesdeer: i'd tell them to have another unhappy love affair
agnesdeer: go to paris
agnesdeer: i així passes la vida
agnesdeer: hopes of living
agnesdeer: negros como el cuervo
agnesdeer: into the churchyard
agnesdeer: totes les forces de la seva ànima