Arthur DentUre: I've got Barnacle-Scraping Zeal
Arthur DentUre: 913 Hooches later...
Arthur DentUre: Dieing is Easy, Living is the Hard Part
Arthur DentUre: Gourmand Supreme
Arthur DentUre: Nigh-Mystical Lepidoperteral Manipulator
Arthur DentUre: Spice Examiner
Arthur DentUre: Plain Crystallizer
Arthur DentUre: Wannabe Fly Flycatcher
Arthur DentUre: Pretty Fine Mulcher
Arthur DentUre: 2nd Rate Piggy Piggy Hash Slinger
Arthur DentUre: Egg Transmutator Apprentice
Arthur DentUre: Fancy Medal Fancier
Arthur DentUre: Im Ready To Move Up to Toolwright
Arthur DentUre: Folivoria Completist
Arthur DentUre: Haughty Culturist